Friday Photo Poetry: Flute and cello

flute and cello

flute and cello

At the end of the week, when my heart is too full,

and my countenance tattered and torn,

I find solace and peace for my soul

in instruments battered and worn.

The cello is ages and ages old,

and the flute sometimes needs repairs,

but put them together, and they sound like gold

(or at least, the answer to prayers).


I’m looking forward to Sunday. It seems like the only day my daughters and my sweetheart pull out their instruments and really play…and I get to sit and listen. 🙂

Thanks to Tyroper for this post about writers and musicians. I’ve been thinking about it all week.




2 Comments to “Friday Photo Poetry: Flute and cello”

  1. That sounds great! Enjoy.


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